Kybella is the first and only FDA approved nonsurgical treatment that contours and improves the appearance of fat under the chin (double chin). Kybella treatment is a 15-20 minute minimally invasive (nonsurgical) procedure in the office that destroys fat cells when injected into the fat beneath the chin. Once the aesthetic goal is achieved, re-treatment is not expected.
The ACTA recommends that trainees add Kybella training to any PRP training course. PRP training occurs on the same weekends as kybella training. To add kybella training to a PRP course, simply register both courses during the same weekend.
Kybella administration is technically easy for dentists and nurses. This course teaches kybella pharmacology, anatomical planning and boundaries with avoidance of vital structures, dose planning that is customized for each patient, and injection techniques.
Kybella is a vital procedure for any Facial Aesthetics Office. Its results are long term, safe, and significantly enhances the facial triangle. The time to income ratio places it as one of the most powerful practice builders.